Dollar Question is a collective of independent musicians, producers, filmmakers and artists who work collaboratively to produce content outside of their main identities. Together they are responsible for multi-platinum recordings and video content with 1 billion+ views.

What we do


  • License from our catalog

  • Custom Tracks / Songs

  • Film/TV Score


  • Long form content

  • Music Videos

  • Trailers/Teasers

Consult / Collaborate

Does your left brain need a right brain?

We have both. We interface with the smart people and the art people.

Some Music

With over 100 official releases and 1 billion streams under our various main and alternate identities, here instead you can sample a small collection of textures and sounds showcasing our assorted natures.

Sample Works

Life on Tour

8 Part Docuseries

Lost yet found

Is there something there? Reach out and connect.